Generosity in Leadership - What does it look like?

In the corporate wilderness, there’s a rare breed of creature that stands out not for its savage roar or terrifying spreadsheet skills, but for its big heart. This is the generous leader. We aren’t talking about a person that gives you extra money in your check or doesn’t make you respond to emails on weekends. This leader creates an environment where people feel heard, valued, and motivated.  

So what do Generous Leaders do?


They are generous with their time – Time is a precious commodity and this type of leader understands that. Whether they are coaching or mentoring someone or helping you fix your printer, they wisely use their time to build others.

They are selfless – Looking for someone to take the credit for something? Don’t look for this leader to do that. They are the first to give credit to others and the last to take credit. They seek out ways to praise the efforts and work of their team. They don’t hold back!!

They share information – Ever see leaders huddling behind closed locked doors? It’s not a generous leader. They share information and knowledge with their team. They empower their team with transparency.

They understand people – Using their empathy superpowers, these leaders can sense the temperament of their team. They know when their team is tired, overworked, motivated, etc. and they respond accordingly.  


It can be said that a generous leader is all about the small, consistent acts of kindness and support. The great thing about being a generous leader is that it’s free! It doesn’t cost the organization anything, but the outcomes are priceless. The more generosity you spread, the better it is for everyone. Embrace some of these key attributes of a generous leader - it will change your life and the lives of those you lead.


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